About the conference


12 – 14 November 2018

park-hotel “Moskva”, Sofia

 “ASSIST – Assistive Technologies” Foundation organizes the First International Conference on Augmentative and Alternative Communication – AAC2018.

The Conference presents  contemporary approaches and technologies for children and adults with communication difficulties – cerebral palsy, autism, multiple disabilities, intellectual disabilities, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and others:  

  • Talks on modern approaches, methods, and technologies for augmentative and alternative communication, given by leading experts.
  • Workshops presenting the experience and best practices in working and teaching children with cerebral palsy, autism, multiple disabilities and others.
  • The experience of the Bulgarian professionals working with augmentative and alternative communication.
  • Policies in Bulgaria for inclusive education and early intervention related to AAC.
  • Personal experience of people in Bulgaria who are already using modern assistive technologies for AAC.

Keynote speakers

Prof. Stephen von Tetzchner, University of Oslo, Norway. 
Kristine Stadskleiv, PhD, University Hospital in Oslo, Norway.
Yonit Hagoel-Karnieli, National Centre for augmentative and Alternative Communication “Ezer Mizion”, Israel.
Aldona Mysakowska-Adamczyk, International Association for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Poland. 
Dorothy Fraser
, International Association for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC), Scotland.
Maurice Grinberg, PhD, “ASSIST – Assistive Technologies” Foundation, New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria.

The working languages of the conference are Bulgarian and English. Simultaneous translation is provided.

To participate in the conference it is required to register and pay a participation fee before November 1, 2018 (or until all places are booked).

The conference is organized by “ASSIST – Assistive Technologies” Foundation
with the support of Ministry of Education and Science and UNICEF – Bulgaria, with the support of the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC).


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